Well-being During Times of Corona Virus
By: Dr. Dustine Rey My ten-year-old daughter, Satya, walked into the dining room where I was silently enjoying my morning coconut coffee and lets out [...]
South OC Preschool Proves Positive With Virtual Circle Time
Creativity & joy are not canceled in San Clemente as Gratitude Garden Preschool opens their virtual classroom after new coronavirus closure. By Ashley Ludwig, Patch [...]
OC Family May 2019 Issue – A Fresh Take on Education
Women, mothers in particular, don’t get much credit for their roles as pioneers — people who break ground in arts or sciences or stand their [...]
The Importance of Social and Emotional Development in Young Children
Scientific research indicates there is a very strong relationship between social-emotional learning and cognitive development and well-being. Children as young as 18 months exhibit compassion, [...]
New Research Warns Families of Health Consequences Near Highways
New findings by UCLA and the California Air Resources Board show that harmful pollutants from cars and trucks can drift more than a mile and [...]
Inside Out and Into Childhood Mental Health
By Dr. Dustine Rey, published in August edition of Talega Life Magazine Disney-Pixar’s latest movie, Inside Out, illuminates the intricate world of the human brain in a [...]