It is pumpkin season! Pumpkin spice lattes are back, pumpkin muffins grace the pastry shelves again, and every child in the grocery store is asking if they can take just one more pumpkin home.

After carefully carving your new orange art piece, your tasked with what to do with all those seeds. Did you know the average pumpkin has between 500 and 600 seeds? That is a lot of possibilities. Do you throw them away? Do you bake them? Let the dogs eat them? I have a few suggestions and would like to hear yours too.

My three year old daughter found a fun way to create art with some of our seeds. We painted them with crayola water based paint and let them dry in the sun. In a couple hours they turned into a tie-dyed explosion of swirly colors. We then glued the seeds to paper plates and made pumpkin faces. Some seeds were eyes, spiky hair, and some became long jagged mouths. Using playdough, we rolled up tiny pumpkins and added the seeds to make pumpkin men in a similar fashion of a snowman. Add a little glitter..a you have the perfect fall art supply.

I have found a delightful array of creative and festive ideas for pumpkins and seed art.

Here are some of my favorites:


Martha Stewart suggests using the seeds as decorations on mini pumpkins (above). I tried this but the glue didn’t dry quickly leading to the seeds slithering their way down and drying on the counter. When my daughter is older, we can try using a glue gun.




Votive candles in tiny pumpkins…so cute!


Love both the frame and the idea of putting your pumpkin in a pumpkin.


One of my favorite things to do with seeds is baking or sautéing them or adding them in salads. I didn’t think my three year old would like eating seeds so I made them sweet this year…toddler approved!

Sweet Pumpkin Seed Recipe:

You may need to add more or less depending on how many cups of seeds you have. One large pumpkin will produce around 1 and a half cups of seeds. These can be baked or sauteed over low to medium-low heat in a skillet for a crispier texture.

  • 1.5 cups pumpkin seeds
  • 2 tablespoons melted butter or coconut oil (my favorite)
  • 2 tablespoons raw sugar, or more, to sweeten
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoons light brown sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/8 teaspoon allspice


Rinse seeds well, removing the pulp. Pat dry with a soft napkin then quickly add in a bowl (before they stick to the napkin) Mix seeds with the butter or oil, sugar, and spices, saving the brown sugar for last. Cook over medium to light heat in a skillet or you can bake them at 350°. If you bake them, spread seeds on lined baking sheet with parchment paper, making sure to stir ever 10 minutes until golden brown. When the seeds become golden, either through sauteing or baking, add the brown sugar the the tops for an extra sugary kick.

If you have more ideas to share..please do! Have fun with your little pumpkins this fall and instead of throwing out the seeds…let them be like the frosting on a cupcake…a treat within the treat!